
2016           2017      2018     2019        2020          2021


TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.


TEDX ALANJALNATIONALSCHOOL thrills the audience with ideas worth spreading, unique performances and enthusiastic emcees. TEDx.... brings harmony to the school community as everyone tries to meet the challenge of organizing a better event year after year.











Fifi Abuhayyeh

Language Arts and Social Studies supervisor I consider myself truly passionate about developing students skills as I believe each individual is capable of improving himself and all what he needs is someone to help him fulfill his potentials and identify his skills. . Encouraging the team spirit among department members is an issue of concern to me as I am definite that collaboration and cooperation lead to success. With optimism and sincere effort the future will be bright and the generation we are bringing up will make remarkable changes...


Auhood Shujaa

A teacher at Anjal School, I have been a speaker in Tedx for three years now. I hope to use my public speaking skills to inspire and leave an impact.


Oraib alalfi

Designer , programmer and a technician


Alaa Khalid Alfaris

I’m 15 years old, 10th grade, I like discussing about technology especially AI that’s why I chose talking about AI in tedx .

Fatmah yousef albaqshi

Hello my name is Fatmah. I was named after the prophet’s daughter peace be upon him and after my great grandmother. I’m 15 years old. I was born at 11/8/2006 in alahsaa saudi arabia. I am studying in 10th grade in alanjal international school.

Aseel Alakwaa

I'm Aseel, a 15th year old teenager attending Alnjal International School. So far, life has taught me that it is a kaleidoscope of opportunities. I see life as a gift to humanity. I realized that a person should work hard to improve not only his or her own circumstances, but also the lives of others. and I aim to spend it in the same manner, making the most of all chances offered to me in order to better myself and hopefully my surroundings as well.

Samirah Almaghlouth

"I am Samirah Almaghlouth, a 15 year old girl. I was born in 31/3/2006 in Saudi Arabia alahsaa, I study on the 10th grade in Alanjal School. Here, Imagine being such a successful person?, well that’s what I want to. I am working on myself since 15 , what matters is to be successful no matter how hard and difficult it is, because you should work on yourself to get what you want. InshAllah I become what I want to in the future. And I always believe that “Nothing is Impossible” "

Sham al Ahmar

"Living 15 years and 10 months with a unique name such as ""Sham"" is a huge responsibility because it requires you being unique in everything you do, standing out, and adding your print to everything you touch. And i'm not complaining i love having this special name. My goal in life is to stay simple but stand out in everything I do and leave a good impression in everyone I meet. "